2009/5/31 by Alina
I have to give up ESL because something really bad happened. The runner is not so friendly and he doubts my real purpose even I have told him I’m doing what kind of research, where I’m from, and what I study.
[8:07] Alina Roxley: u think i'm not honest?
[8:07] Giovanni Tweak: I don't know
[8:08] Alina Roxley: u think that i tell i'm doing research is a lie?
[8:08] Giovanni Tweak: I have no idea
[8:09] Giovanni Tweak: You are on private property, inside a private business
I have been always plain, but he acted he believes me but actually doubts in the mind. I think I have made everything clear and told him everything in the first talk. I even gave me my blog, isn’t it honest and clear enough?
[5:54] Giovanni Tweak: are you looking for English lessons?
[5:55] Alina Roxley: u can say that, but my group is going to make some project about english teaching on SL
[5:55] Alina Roxley: from a course in my deparment
[5:55] Alina Roxley: we r eng majors
[5:56] Alina Roxley: i have been here waiting for u
[5:57] Alina Roxley: would u like that our group have an interview with u?
[5:57] Alina Roxley: or final project will be posted on SL or CNN iReport
[5:57] Alina Roxley: our
[5:58] Giovanni Tweak: Yes
[5:58] Alina Roxley: it's a project supported by my school
[5:59] Giovanni Tweak: I agreed to be interviewed
[6:00] Alina Roxley: before that i'd like to know more about ur organization
[6:00] Alina Roxley: yes a written questionnaire
[6:01] Alina Roxley: and our conversations will be included too
He agreed that we include ESL in our research at the first talk, but in the last talk, he got things plain and showed he actually doesn’t like to be researched but still agreed on my research. How absurd! He wants to know more about my research, so I gave him my blog to let him read the details. He told me he didn’t read it because it’s too long to read. But he didn’t tell me this until last talk. I don’t think it’s so long (he doesn’t have to read the posted history text.), and I suppose if he’s not satisfied with my general introduction on SL and wants to know the details, the details are just that length.
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: why is your reasearch good for the school?
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: this school?
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: so it will take more visitors like you?
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: this is not a zoo
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: for your research
[8:46] Giovanni Tweak: but this is how I see you
[8:47] Giovanni Tweak: I will give you my e-mail address
[8:47] Giovanni Tweak: ok?
[8:47] Alina Roxley: it's good to be plain like this
[8:47] Giovanni Tweak: giovanni_tweak@yahoo.com
[8:47] Giovanni Tweak: please introduce yourself and your research
[8:48] Alina Roxley: i thought my blog is quite clear to u
[8:48] Giovanni Tweak: and please, ask me for an appointment before coming back to the school
[8:48] Giovanni Tweak: i didn't read it
[8:48] Giovanni Tweak: it's very long
[8:48] Alina Roxley: but if u want to know details
[8:49] Alina Roxley: it's as long as that
[8:49] Alina Roxley: since u r not satisfied with what i tell u on SL
[8:49] Alina Roxley: so i guess u want details
[8:49] Alina Roxley: and i don;t get it
[8:50] Alina Roxley: if u think u don;t get anything good from my research
[8:50] Alina Roxley: and u think it makes ur ESL like a zoo
[8:50] Alina Roxley: why u still want appointment with me
[8:52] Alina Roxley: so u don't like this kind of feeling
[8:52] Alina Roxley: and u still tell me to make appointment with u
[8:52] Giovanni Tweak: then don't
[8:52] Giovanni Tweak: it's up to you
[8:52] Alina Roxley: actually it's up to u
Of course it’s up to him. He should have been plain in the beginning. If he doesn’t like it, he can just tell and refuse our research. And I told him it’s his decision to let us include his ESL or not!
[8:26] Alina Roxley: do u think i want to lie?
[8:26] Alina Roxley: is doing research something needed to be hidden
[8:26] Alina Roxley: first i greet them
[8:27] Alina Roxley: then i told them i'm doing research of what
[8:27] Alina Roxley: and where i'm from and what i study
[8:27] Alina Roxley: i'm not a reporter
[8:27] Alina Roxley: do u think i want to pry out something that hurt ur organization?
[8:28] Alina Roxley: and i showed u my bblog
[8:28] Alina Roxley: it's clear what i'm doing
[8:29] Alina Roxley: if u don't feel comfortable or u feel doubtful of my purpose
[8:29] Alina Roxley: u can tell me
[8:29] Alina Roxley: i'm quite plain
[8:33] Alina Roxley: u make me confused
[8:34] Alina Roxley: just say what u like and what u don't like
[8:34] Alina Roxley: and what's the most important is that u can tell me if u want me to include ESL into my research
[8:34] Giovanni Tweak: [8:06] Giovanni Tweak: you told me you have no microphone, right? Giovanni Tweak: and i told you to ask for an appointment
[8:32] Giovanni Tweak: I have told you what I needed to tell you
[8:32] Giovanni Tweak: and i have other things to do
[8:32] Alina Roxley: so?
[8:33] Alina Roxley: why don't u reply what i said/
[8:33] Alina Roxley: ?
[8:35] Alina Roxley: well actually
[8:35] Alina Roxley: the essence of the research needs more different angles
[8:36] Alina Roxley: that's why i'm trying to talk to more people
[8:37] Alina Roxley: we also need others' help here
[8:37] Alina Roxley: but it's ur firm
[8:37] Alina Roxley: so if u think it's not good for the running of ESL
[8:37] Alina Roxley: it's ok
[8:38] Alina Roxley: why i try i know more people here
[8:38] Alina Roxley: is because i 'd like to ask for their answers to the questionnaire
[8:39] Alina Roxley: i think it's quite clear on my blog
[8:40] Alina Roxley: about how we r going to do the research
[8:40] Alina Roxley: what i want u to know is
[8:40] Alina Roxley: u always have the right to decide u accept it or not
At first time, he just told me not to let visitors think I’m a worker of ESL and always let them know I’m doing research before I ask questions. I think I’ve always told everybody I’m doing what kind of research, where I’m from, and what I study before I ask further questions, and they all seem very helpful. In the last talk, he told me we didn’t understand each in the first talk. I get really confused. I let my avatar stay at ESL always even when I’m away, but I didn’t know he doesn’t like it and he didn’t make his point clear in the first talk. He told me really acrimonious words, like “unrespectable,” “unhonest” and “irresponsible.”
[7:58] Giovanni Tweak: I think we didn't understand each other
[8:01] Giovanni Tweak: i wish you'd behave as if you were visiting a business or a school in rl
[8:02] Alina Roxley: i don't know why u think i behave like i work here?
[8:02] Giovanni Tweak: i don;t think so
[8:02] Giovanni Tweak: you do not behave like you work here
[8:02] Alina Roxley: so what's ur point?
[8:02] Giovanni Tweak: you behave like we are here just for you
[8:02] Alina Roxley: why do u think so
[8:03] Giovanni Tweak: this is my point
[8:01] Giovanni Tweak: i wish you'd behave as if you were visiting a business or a school in rl
[8:03] Giovanni Tweak: for example....
[8:03] Giovanni Tweak: do not leav your avatar at the infohub when you are not there
[8:04] Giovanni Tweak: I don't know why you do it
[8:04] Alina Roxley: i didn't know it's forbidden
[8:04] Alina Roxley: u didn't tell me
[8:05] Giovanni Tweak: I don't have time to tell you everything that you are not supposed to do
[8:05] Giovanni Tweak: this is why I asked you to be responsible and honest
[8:05] Alina Roxley: i thought u just tell me not to let others thik i work here
[8:13] Alina Roxley: u didn't tell me that i shouldn't stay here when i'm away
[8:14] Giovanni Tweak: I didn't know you needed to be told
So who is irresponsible? He didn’t tell me clear about what he likes and doesn’t like. And I followed that he told me I should definitely tell others I’m doing research. And actually I have always done this before he asked me to.
[8:09] Giovanni Tweak: I did ask you to tell you are doing a reaearch BEFORE you ask questions
[8:10] Alina Roxley: but i told them
[8:10] Giovanni Tweak: our job is to help and inform visitors and student
[8:12] Alina Roxley: i think u didn't make ur point clear until this time
[8:12] Alina Roxley: what i got from u is just that i should tell people i'm doing reesearch before i ask qs
[8:12] Alina Roxley: and i told everyone
He also thinks I’m using a lot of their time, but I don’t understand. I’ve always talked to them only when they are available and want to talk, and if they have to get busy, I didn’t interrupt them at all.
[8:01] Giovanni Tweak: you are using a lot of our time
[8:05] Alina Roxley: i don't mean to use a lot of ur time
[8:06] Giovanni Tweak: you are
[8:06] Giovanni Tweak: and the staff';s time
[8:06] Alina Roxley: i just wish if u have time and we can talk
[8:06] Giovanni Tweak: you told me you have no microphone, right?
[8:06] Alina Roxley: i don't want to interrupt when u r busy
[8:12] Alina Roxley: i didn't take any of their time when they have to get busy
He told me my research won’t do anything good to his school, and he thinks I see his school like a zoo.
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: why is your reasearch good for the school?
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: this school?
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: so it will take more visitors like you?
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: this is not a zoo
[8:45] Giovanni Tweak: for your research
[8:46] Giovanni Tweak: but this is how I see you
[8:54] Alina Roxley: if this research is good for ur school
[8:54] Alina Roxley: it should be depend on what u value
[8:54] Alina Roxley: we do this research to improve the english teaching nowadays
[8:54] Alina Roxley: especially eng teaching online
[8:54] Alina Roxley: on SL
[8:55] Alina Roxley: and maybe make ESL more well known
[8:55] Alina Roxley: if ESL is going to be included in the research
[8:56] Alina Roxley: so people read it
[8:56] Alina Roxley: so if these r not what u want
[8:56] Alina Roxley: then it's nothing good to ESL
In the first talk, I asked him why he wants to have an English teaching career on SL. He said he wants to make money and improve the peace of the world.
[6:09] Alina Roxley: why do u want to make an eng teaching organization on SL
[6:09] Giovanni Tweak: to make money and to bring peace to the world
[6:09] Alina Roxley: peace?
[6:09] Alina Roxley: can u explain more
[6:10] Giovanni Tweak: if people can understand each other they are less likely to fight
But finally he admitted he lied about the “peace of the world.” And obviously he sees only into money. And he’s afraid I may harm his career. Moreover, he has been talking to me with very bad attitude and vicious words.
[8:53] Giovanni Tweak: you have cost me 1 hour today
[8:53] Giovanni Tweak: and you have NOT asked querstions about this school
[8:54] Giovanni Tweak: I feel like I had to babysit you
[8:56] Giovanni Tweak: I have no more time now
[8:56] Giovanni Tweak: do you read what I type?
[8:57] Alina Roxley: it's u who wanted to make things clear to me
[8:57] Alina Roxley: i don;t know who wastes whose time
[8:57] Alina Roxley: i was about to go out
[8:57] Alina Roxley: but i stayed since u need to make things clear
[8:58] Alina Roxley: and what means "babysit"
[8:58] Alina Roxley: pls show ur respect
[8:58] Alina Roxley: i haven't asked qs about ESL
[8:59] Alina Roxley: because u wants to tell me something and make things clear
[8:59] Alina Roxley: this is what u called "peace of the world"
[9:00] Giovanni Tweak: Obviously I lied :)
[9:01] Alina Roxley: i knew it
[9:01] Alina Roxley: bull shit
[9:01] Giovanni Tweak: or we didn't understand each other
[9:01] Giovanni Tweak: as I said I have no more time
[9:01] Alina Roxley: u r just a money pig
[9:01] Giovanni Tweak: :)
I can say this is the worst person I have met and the worst experiences I have had on SL. I feel really bad. It really pissed me off!!