2009/4/14 by Alina in second life
Today I met a girl on Second Life (SL). Let’s call her T.C. She introduced me to work in a club she works for. All I have to do is to dance with a pole. And while dancing, I can do whatever I like or even be “away.” This is great and thus has become my first job on SL.
I continued to chat with T.C. Then I got to know she has been a dancer and manager in the club for 2 months. I asked if she’s also a dancer in real life (RL). She answered “no heavens, no!” I continued to ask her whether SL or RL is more interesting to her. She said “well, RL is more fun but SL is zero risk,” “so I like to be a lot more dirty and erotic in SL LOL” ”plus, there's no diseases and no real pregnancy in here,” “and I don't think my little cartoon girl has an immortal soul to lose.” I checked her name card, on which there is a naked picture of her and flirty naughty self-introduction. Then, I started to be curious about what kind of person she is in RL. In RL, she is from U.S.A. and 18, works for minimum wage and go to community college. She said her parents can’t afford to send her to four-year College. I told her the information of Taiwan’s offering great scholarship for international students. She replied “hmmm that sounds like a big scary risk to take LOL” “because I've only been out of California once LOL.” The chat with T.C. is very interesting. I don’t know her look in RL. In SL, she dresses hot with half-naked boobs. And her behaviors, styles, reactions, and attitudes towards SL and RL are at opposite poles. According to what she said, she sounds a reserved girl unwilling to take risk in RL. However, In SL, she’s in a quite lusty and bold style.
Under the social norm, people are usually more cautious, conservative, self-controlled, and suppressed in RL. In the virtual anarchistic society of SL, people seem to be more adventurous and explorative because there are no risks and responsibilities for consequences. In SL, people can have sex at will without worries about “diseases and real pregnancy.” And even if they die in SL, they can simply start a new avatar again. In SL, people are able to release all their desires, consciously or unconsciously, they are forbidden to realize in RL. SL has become a duplicated real world in which people can have various identities and a vent for their suppressed desires and emotions.
[2:57] Alina Roxley: haha
回覆刪除[2:57] Alina Roxley: ok
[2:57] Brooke Yven: Then I'll be editor this time.
[2:57] alicealice Zepp: this time I will be organizer
[2:57] Heather Alenquer: ok i'll be reviewer
[2:57] Alina Roxley: http://linchiehpeng.blogspot.com/
[3:00] Alina Roxley: it talks about the conversation i had with a girl, the dancer and manager of this club, and analyze SL and RL by the conversation
[3:00] Alina Roxley: the girl said she loves to be dirty flirty naughty on SL
[3:00] Alina Roxley: because there r no risks on SL
[3:01] Alina Roxley: I asked her "do u think SL or RL is more interesting?"
[3:02] Heather Alenquer: wow it is os interesting~
[3:02] Alina Roxley: she said" RL is more fun, but SL is no risk"
[3:02] Heather Alenquer: so
[3:02] Alina Roxley: and no need to worry about deseases or pregnancy
[3:02] alicealice Zepp: This point is interesting~~~
[3:02] Alina Roxley: thank u :)
[3:03] Alina Roxley: It talks about people's different attitudes, behaviors in RL and SL
[3:03] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[3:03] Alina Roxley: and because of different conditions of SL and RL
[3:04] Alina Roxley: SL is anachistic and no rirsks
[3:04] Alina Roxley: RL has a social norm to restrict people
[3:05] Alina Roxley: it's the mainlt difference between SL and RL i think
[3:05] Alina Roxley: and the mainly reason that decides people's different behaviors on SL and RL
[3:05] Brooke Yven: Since people behaves differently between SL and RL, I suggest you the title may be more contrastive.
[3:05] Heather Alenquer: yes the theme seems to be people's different looks and personality between RL and SL
[3:06] Heather Alenquer: that is a interesting point
[3:06] Alina Roxley: ya i was thinking about what word can conclude this
[3:06] Alina Roxley: finally i chose "attitude"
[3:06] Alina Roxley: but maybe there is a better word
[3:06] Alina Roxley: u can suggest
[3:06] Brooke Yven: What about add 'between'?
[3:07] Heather Alenquer: or "being" sounds weird..
[3:07] Brooke Yven: in RL and in SL sounds like to mention them separately.
[3:08] Alina Roxley: i want to mean "people's different attitudes in SL and RL"
[3:09] Alina Roxley: does "different attitudes between SL and RL" make SL and RL sound like the subjects?
[3:09] Brooke Yven: I know.
[3:09] Brooke Yven: I just think the words seems to lack some strength to combine these two angles.
[3:10] Heather Alenquer: i am not sure
[3:10] Alina Roxley: so u think "attitudes" or "behaviors" sounds betetr?
[3:10] Alina Roxley: ya brooke, i think so too
[3:10] Brooke Yven: Oh, I think they are both good.
[3:10] Heather Alenquer: how about "manner" and "look"?
[3:11] Brooke Yven: What I thought was that your topic lack a kind of strength to combine these two angles but still stays contrastive.
[3:11] Alina Roxley: wow "manner" sounds good!
[3:11] Brooke Yven: I think attitude is just fine.
[3:11] Alina Roxley: manner includes attitudes and behaviors
[3:12] Heather Alenquer: is that? well i never know that
[3:12] Brooke Yven: Yes. It is also good if you think it fits your theme more. :)
[3:12] Alina Roxley: 態度,舉止[S1
[3:12] Alina Roxley: i found it from dic
[3:13] Brooke Yven: But people seldom use this word as for attitude...I think.
[3:13] Alina Roxley: "different manners in SL and RL" sound better and stronger?
[3:13] Brooke Yven: It is much more like教養.
[3:14] Heather Alenquer: i think it is better, but not sure
[3:14] Alina Roxley: 方式,方法[S1]
We walked in a leisurely manner, looking in all the windows.
It is bad manners to interrupt.
[3:14] Brooke Yven: Although the word 教養 certainly includes both attitude and behaviors.
[3:15] Alina Roxley: 也有方法 方式 的意思
[3:15] Brooke Yven: If you prefer this word, it is okay.
[3:15] Heather Alenquer: maybe native speakers know it better
[3:15] Brooke Yven: I guess.
[3:15] Brooke Yven: I guess so.
[3:16] Heather Alenquer: and i think your article is very clear enough
[3:16] Brooke Yven: How about asking the new comers here?
[3:16] Brooke Yven: XDDD
[3:16] Heather Alenquer: it explaine the topic i think
[3:17] Alina Roxley: thank u :)
[3:17] Alina Roxley: new comers?
[3:17] Alina Roxley: we have made a lot of money guys~
[3:17] Alina Roxley: hehe
[3:17] alicealice Zepp: XDDDDD
[3:17] Alina Roxley: over $20
[3:17] Heather Alenquer: so good~
[3:18] Brooke Yven: Haha...lol
[3:18] Alina Roxley: what else do u suggest besides the topic?
[3:18] Brooke Yven: I'll be glad if there is such a kind of job in RL.
[3:18] Alina Roxley: haha there is!
[3:18] Alina Roxley: if u dare to do that!
[3:18] Brooke Yven: Nope. So far.
[3:19] Brooke Yven: I mean I have no other comments.
[3:19] Heather Alenquer: no either
[3:19] Alina Roxley: ok thanx a lot :)
[3:19] Brooke Yven: You're welcom.
[3:19] Brooke Yven: welcome*
[3:19] Heather Alenquer: i think it is a interesting story~^^
Reviewer's opinions:
回覆刪除The Reviewer suggested you try to use "manner" or "look" instead of "attitudes" or "behaviors". She thought your article is very clear enough. And she thought your point is very interesting.
Editor's opinions:
回覆刪除The Editor suggested that your title may be more contrastive because you are talking about different behaviors in SL and RL. You can add the word “between” because you are not discussing SL and RL separately. And you can change the word to increase the strength to combine these two angles.