2009.4.24 by Alina from Second Life
I have been a dancer of a club, Desire Ultra Lounge, for around two weeks on Second Life. I heard from my co-workers that the owner of this club is a girl very active and serious about running Desire club. It lighted up my interest in her. Thus I invited her to have an interview.
Her name on SL is DestinyDesiree Foxdale. In real life, she is a dancer, twenty-eight, from U.S.A.. Her father died when she was eighteen, which has changed her life violently and made her work as a dancer. She is an extremely moody Cancer, but incredibly active and ambitious. Her dream is happiness, freedom to express herself, and pursuing her goals. She was inspired by her real-life job to run a club on SL. She started her avatar on February 11th, 2009. Since the first day in SL, she has held an ambitious plan to make a career. Besides her real-life job, she works one hundred hours a week on SL. Despite that Desire is just six weeks old, she has already made her Desire club very popular in very skillful ways, including building the traffic of the club, training the dancers in classes, appealingly typing words to catch people’s minds instead of body languages and rich facial expressions used in her real-life job, etc. However, making Desire club prosperous is not the end, she has a higher goal to achieve. She runs Desire club as a tactic to build a big brand for her future corporation on SL. The corporation in her plan will be as a consultant of how to run clubs on SL.
When asked of why she wants to make a career on SL, she said “I do this in hopes to one day be able to quit RL work.” Then I asked if she doesn’t like her real-life job, she said “it's not that so much, as I want to make money without having to work at all,” “I’d like to work at home and I can do it on my time.. well.. eventually.” My question went along, “do u think SL is more interesting than RL?” And she answered, “I think I have more control in SL and SL is easier but less interesting than RL. Most times I prefer the world of SL.” I asked, “do u feel disappointed with RL?” She said, “I feel disappointed with both occasionally…in SL…I have real relationships…in RL I have the same…” “In SL, I have real day- to- day events that don't go according to plan…same in the other(RL)...” “mostly, both worlds are the same… and both offer their own respective joys and disappointments.” Then I said, “so no matter which world u live in, as long as u pay ur soul into it, both don’t make difference.” She said, “exactly!!” I continued, “i think u r the person who really live in SL with seriously attitude.” She replied, “definitely!!”
In sum, DestinyDesiree Foxdale sees the opportunity in SL and wants her SL career to replace her real-life job for her preference of working freely at home and having better control of SL. And she thinks that SL and RL are the same quality to her, both have the same joys and frustrations just like real life as long as she pays the same effort, seriousness and soul into both. SL has become a second choice, chance and hope of life for her, and for a lot of people!
[3:44] alicealice Zepp: A long news but very intresting
回覆刪除[3:44] Heather Alenquer: it is a story about a girl who run a dance club inSL
[3:44] Heather Alenquer: yes very interesting
[3:46] alicealice Zepp: I got fun when I read it
[3:46] alicealice Zepp: And it also made me think
[3:47] alicealice Zepp: your point is serious and the story is interesting!
[3:47] alicealice Zepp: Are you back?XD
[3:47] Heather Alenquer: what is "extremly moody Cancer"?
[3:47] alicealice Zepp: do you mean that she easiy get angry?
[3:50] Alina Roxley: haha
[3:50] Alina Roxley: thanx a lot
[3:50] Alina Roxley: i'm back
[3:51] Alina Roxley: :)
[3:51] Alina Roxley: her star sign is Cancer
[3:51] alicealice Zepp: what?
[3:51] alicealice Zepp: @@
[3:51] Alina Roxley: 星座
[3:51] Alina Roxley: i use capital
[3:52] Alina Roxley: Cancer
[3:52] alicealice Zepp: OH
[3:52] alicealice Zepp: I see then
[3:52] alicealice Zepp: sorry
[3:52] Alina Roxley: just very moody
[3:52] Alina Roxley: she said her moods changes a lot
[3:52] alicealice Zepp: Um
[3:52] Alina Roxley: and various moods every day
[3:53] alicealice Zepp: but she does her work quite well
[3:53] alicealice Zepp: It seems so
[3:54] alicealice Zepp: your title is your theme?
[3:54] Alina Roxley: yes
[3:54] Alina Roxley: Sl is her second chance of life
[3:54] Alina Roxley: SL
[3:55] Alina Roxley: and possible to be others' second chance and hope of life too
[3:55] Alina Roxley: second choice
[3:55] alicealice Zepp: so you mean although life in SL can be the same as RL, but it ca offer you second choice?
[3:56] Alina Roxley: i mean as long as u pay the same effort and seriousness in to SL and RL
[3:56] Alina Roxley: both lives don;t make difference
[3:56] Heather Alenquer: she seems to enjoy SL more than RL
[3:57] Alina Roxley: that's why SL could be the second choice of life
[3:57] Heather Alenquer: yes basically they are the same
[3:57] alicealice Zepp: I see
[3:57] Alina Roxley: it means u can choose to invest in Sl or RL
[3:58] alicealice Zepp: do you try to add seriousness to SL
[3:58] Alina Roxley: SL is a virtual world, which doesn;t mean it's valueless or subordinate to RL
[3:58] alicealice Zepp: Yes it is waht I mean
[3:58] alicealice Zepp: good point
[3:59] Alina Roxley: seriousness?
[3:59] alicealice Zepp: no
[3:59] alicealice Zepp: what I want to say is that you try to explain SL is not a valuless world or just for fun
[3:59] Alina Roxley: most people come to SL to have fun and try new things without seriousness
[4:00] alicealice Zepp: It is what I fell about this news
[4:00] Alina Roxley: because they don't treat SL as serious as RL
[4:00] alicealice Zepp: Ya
[4:00] alicealice Zepp: but your article offer dofferent view
[4:00] alicealice Zepp: It is want I want to say~~~~
[4:00] Heather Alenquer: so it is kind of like starting a person's own business in SL
[4:00] Alina Roxley: she is different
[4:00] Alina Roxley: she has serious plans
[4:01] Alina Roxley: she come to SL with plans in the beginning
[4:01] Heather Alenquer: a second real life
[4:01] Heather Alenquer: XD
[4:01] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:01] alicealice Zepp: Does she get money from SL?
[4:01] Alina Roxley: actually she's a lesbian
[4:01] Alina Roxley: she pretends to be bisexual in RL
[4:01] Alina Roxley: but she dates only girls
[4:02] Alina Roxley: she had two gfs on SL
[4:02] Heather Alenquer: so SL can really change people's life!
[4:02] Alina Roxley: faild because she is too busy with her career
[4:02] alicealice Zepp: YA!
[4:02] Alina Roxley: and she got really broken hearted
[4:02] Heather Alenquer: wow
[4:02] alicealice Zepp: um
[4:02] Alina Roxley: she can fall in love seriously just by talking online
[4:03] Alina Roxley: from every aspect, she is the same in both lives
[4:03] Alina Roxley: that's makes me feel amazed
[4:03] Alina Roxley: SL money is exchangeable for USD
[4:04] Heather Alenquer: yes i know that
[4:04] alicealice Zepp: Yes
[4:04] Alina Roxley: she plans to make a great career on SL and then quit her RL job
[4:04] alicealice Zepp: Wow
[4:04] Alina Roxley: ya i wrote that in my news
[4:04] Alina Roxley: but i didn;t write about her relationship and tendency
[4:05] Alina Roxley: it's so interesting experience to talk to her
[4:05] Alina Roxley: i've never talked with a stripper before
[4:06] Heather Alenquer: that sounds so cool!
[4:06] Alina Roxley: do u have any opinions?
[4:06] Alina Roxley: about my news
[4:06] alicealice Zepp: the third paragraph
[4:06] Heather Alenquer: um i think the last paragraph is good. clear conclusion
[4:06] Quaintly Tuqiri is Online
[4:07] Alina Roxley: 3rd paragraph?
[4:07] alicealice Zepp: dialogue
[4:07] alicealice Zepp: very vivd
[4:08] Heather Alenquer: i think the point of the third paragraph is SL and RL is much the same
[4:08] Heather Alenquer: yes the dialogue makes it vividly
[4:09] Alina Roxley: ya
[4:09] Alina Roxley: about futher core qs
[4:09] Alina Roxley: second paragraph i just introduce her background and what she does
[4:10] Alina Roxley: and the third paragraph is about what she thinks
[4:10] Alina Roxley: more inner qs
[4:10] Alina Roxley: inner thoughts
[4:10] Alina Roxley: so i think by quoting is more interesting and better
[4:11] Heather Alenquer: i notice that each queston is going further
[4:12] Alina Roxley: ya :)
[4:12] Alina Roxley: do u have any opinions about where i can revise?
[4:12] alicealice Zepp: i think it is well orgianized
[4:13] Alina Roxley: thanx :)
[4:13] Heather Alenquer: yes very clear
[4:13] Heather Alenquer: and interesting
[4:13] alicealice Zepp: I agree
[4:13] alicealice Zepp: really
[4:13] Heather Alenquer: close to the true
[4:14] Alina Roxley: thanx lol
[4:14] Alina Roxley: what about the pics?
[4:14] Alina Roxley: i wanted to put on her pic but i haven't asked for her permision yet
[4:14] alicealice Zepp: you can ask her and if it is ok put it
[4:14] Alina Roxley: recently she seems busy doing something
[4:15] Alina Roxley: dealing about her club or something
[4:15] alicealice Zepp: oh
[4:15] Alina Roxley: so it's closed temperarily
[4:15] Alina Roxley: actually this place is where the club is
[4:15] Alina Roxley: was*
[4:15] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:15] alicealice Zepp: WOw
[4:16] Alina Roxley: ya she's reorganizing thiings i think
[4:16] Heather Alenquer: oh
[4:16] Alina Roxley: previously she made the club a lot of activities
[4:16] Alina Roxley: i flirted with customers a lot and got a lot of tips
[4:16] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:17] alicealice Zepp: good job
[4:17] alicealice Zepp: XD
[4:17] alicealice Zepp: Well I really think you have done well in this news
[4:17] Alina Roxley: and i even had sex with a customer
[4:17] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:17] alicealice Zepp: XDDDDDD
[4:17] Alina Roxley: i took a lot of pics from different angles
[4:17] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:17] Heather Alenquer: pics are good!
[4:18] Alina Roxley: the first pic is the entrance of Desire
[4:18] Alina Roxley: second is the inner view of the club
[4:18] Alina Roxley: the third is me dancing nakedly
[4:18] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:18] Heather Alenquer: wow
[4:19] Alina Roxley: i took a great amount of pics
[4:19] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:19] Alina Roxley: actually she's standing down there
[4:19] Alina Roxley: very small
[4:19] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:19] Alina Roxley: in the pic
[4:19] Heather Alenquer: oh really
[4:20] Alina Roxley: she also sent me a pic of he in RL without face
[4:20] Alina Roxley: very flirty
[4:20] Heather Alenquer: wow very active girl
[4:20] Alina Roxley: she lifted her shirt
[4:20] Alina Roxley: she's a blonde in RL
[4:20] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:21] Heather Alenquer: well my story is very short and simple
[4:21] Alina Roxley: so i don;t need to revise anything?
[4:21] Alina Roxley: lol
[4:21] Heather Alenquer: well i think it is good
[4:22] alicealice Zepp: yes
[4:22] Alina Roxley: ok thanx lol
[4:22] Alina Roxley: so give us ur link heather :)
[4:22] alicealice Zepp: I really can t find somthing to suggesst you revise
[4:22] Alina Roxley: it's ok thanx a lot :)
[4:23] Heather Alenquer: yes since it is well-organized
The reader and editor think there’s nothing needed to be revised because the news is well-organized, the points are clear, the pictures are good, the title cut to the point, the quoting of the conversation makes the news vividly, and the conclusion sums up the main idea. They think it’s a long but interesting news, and the idea is serious and makes readers think.